Confessions of a ThriftStore Fashionista :::: Thrift Store Remix by Derrick Douglass

art, Bargain Hunters, Community Salvage, Dumpster DIVING, Fleamarket, Freecycle, Frugal, furniture, Furniture Refinishing, Garage Sale, goodwill, metalwork, recycle, salvage, SEX, simplicity, thrift store, Uncategorized, Woodworking
Derrick Douglass

Derrick Douglass

Confessions of a ThriftStore Fashionista

by Derrick Douglass

Nov 7.2009


is finally back online.  The past few months have been crazy, but we are glad to be back again.

To kick off this month’s blog, we have an exciting interview with thrift store fanshionista, entrepreneur and designer, Kimyatta Wilson-Brown.

Kimyatta directs the Stone Mountain Interior Designers MeetUp group.  She tweets at
ThriftStoreRemix: Why do you shop at thrift stores?  What got you started? What keeps you coming back?

KB: I shop them to scour for unique, funky, and inexpensive home décor elements.  I started years ago when thrift was all I could afford. Now, it’s my destination place to find chic and unique items.

ThriftStoreRemix: Has the economy affected the way folks view thrift stores?  Will shoppers revert back to their old spending ways after the economy recovers?

KB: Maybe for clothing, but I’m not for sure for house wares.  If anything I think the home decorating shows have influenced shoppers to shop thrift for the home.

ThriftStoreRemix: Does thrift store shopping help the environment?  Please explain?

KB: Well it is recycling.  It’s not tossed in a dump but rather reused.

ThriftStoreRemix: What tips and tricks do you have to improve the thrift shopping experience?  What other outlets are good resources for deals?

KB: I make the best of thrift shopping trips by staying abreast of what’s hot in the design industry and by shopping high-end stores to know true quality when I see it.  Other places to shop are consignment shop (my favorite) and estate sales.

ThriftStoreRemix: What is the coolest item you’ve purchased at a thrift store?

KB: The coolest item would be this large black pot rack that I have (and don’t have enough space to hang…. Always the down side).

ThriftStoreRemix: What is the location of your favorite thrift store(s)?

KB: The Goodwill in Tucker, GA

ThriftStoreRemix: What item category (Clothes, Books, Furniture) items do you regularly purchase?

KB: Furniture is my thing, and I always scout the books and magazines because they go along with the décor industry and because I’m a freak – want tell you how many I have or where I keep them……

Derrick Douglass :::: ChiefRemixOlogist

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Tags: http://www.thriftStoreRemix.WordPress.Com, Fleamarkets, Garage Sale, Bargain Hunters, Recycle, Community Salvage, Furniture Refinishing, Dumpster Diving, Thrift Shoppers, Freecycle, Free-Cycle, Free Cycle, Bargain Hunters, Simplicity, Frugal Living, Art, Woodworking , Furniture Refinishing , Metal Arts, Sex, Fine Art, Digital Art, Art Collecting, Modern Art, Art Prints, Abstract Art, Contemporary Art, goodwill furniture refinishing, spray paint texture, Dingenen, Pax, Picasso, Jackson Pollack, Long and Foster, Cubism, Expressionism


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