With A LiTTle HELP fRoM mi FriEND :::: Thrift Store Remix by Derrick Douglass

art, Bargain Hunters, Community Salvage, Dumpster DIVING, Fleamarket, Freecycle, Frugal, furniture, Furniture Refinishing, Garage Sale, goodwill, metalwork, recycle, salvage, SEX, simplicity, thrift store, Uncategorized, Woodworking
Derrick Douglass

Derrick Douglass

Nina, “the Cat”, helps to drive our art, dumpster diving and thrift store creativity

by Derrick Douglass

Aug 08.2009

No one is successful without help.  Nina a.k.a. “The Cat” is by my side when  I’m working.  Here are a few pics of her hanging out with me while working a project.   I worked! >>>>>>> She relaxed on the bed!

Our relationship started off rocky.  Nina “The Cat” is a bit Crazy! Loco! Nuts! Not only does she think she’s the queen of sheeba, but also she loves to scratch me.

www.thriftstoreremix.wordpress.comOur relationship, though crazy, is a good one. She demands that I pet her by meowing in a high pitched tone.     I pet her.  A PERFECT RELATIONSHIP !
Sometimes when I try to pet her she tries to swipe at me.  A little reminder of her mental state.
She puts the “F” in finicky. https://thriftstoreremix.wordpress.com

Other times she drives her head into my thigh.  Her way of demanding attention.

Our relationship is growing, she is my friend and she’s great company (so long as a pet her, feed her, drop her poop in the trash can, give her cat nip ….. you get the point!)


Like they say I get by with a little help from my friend.

Peace and good vibrations :::::: ThriftStoreRemix

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Tags: http://www.thriftStoreRemix.WordPress.Com, Fleamarkets, Garage Sale, Bargain Hunters, Recycle, Community Salvage, Furniture Refinishing, Dumpster Diving, Thrift Shoppers, Freecycle, Free-Cycle, Free Cycle, Bargain Hunters, Simplicity, Frugal Living, Art, Woodworking , Furniture Refinishing , Metal Arts, Sex, Fine Art, Digital Art, Art Collecting, Modern Art, Art Prints, Abstract Art, Contemporary Art, goodwill furniture refinishing, spray paint texture, Dingenen, Pax, Picasso, Jackson Pollack, Long and Foster, Cubism, Expressionism


Creative Commons License

ThriftStoreRemixDotCom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

Based on a work at thriftstoreremix.wordpress.com.

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