Happy New Year 2010 :::: Thrift Store Remix by Derrick Douglass

art, Bargain Hunters, Community Salvage, Dumpster DIVING, Fleamarket, Freecycle, Frugal, furniture, Furniture Refinishing, Garage Sale, goodwill, Home Decor, metalwork, recycle, salvage, SEX, simplicity, thrift store, Uncategorized, Woodworking
Derrick Douglass

Derrick Douglass

Happy New Year 2010

by Derrick Douglass

Jan 01.2010


Man! Time seems to fly like a speeding bullet train.  It feels like I started www.thriftstoreremix.wordpress.com a day ago not six months ago.

2009 has been a great year for our little recycled art home décor site.  We’ve blogged on exciting topics including, “ According to Thrift Store Remix dot Com” , “Confessions of a Thrift Store Fashionista” and many others.  Additionally, seven new projects were added.  I’m happy that we’re developing our brand every day.

Next year I’ll add many new and exciting projects.  Also, I’ll continue to blog on topics that help to push the recycled art home décor site form to greater heights.   Furthermore, I’ll promote the site using social media sights including Twitter and Facebook.  Lastly, building a community of RemixOlogists is my highest prior in 2010.  I hope you will help me build a strong brand.

I hope that you a have great New Year.  I year filled with joy, happiness and fulfillment.  Today, there are many challenges America faces.  The economy, war and healthcare will keep us busy for some time to come.  Please keep your head up and your eyes focused toward the sky.  I’m looking forward to the wonderment a new year brings.  I hope you do to.

Take care and god bless you.

Derrick Douglass :::: ChiefRemixOlogist

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Tags: http://www.thriftStoreRemix.WordPress.Com, Fleamarkets, Garage Sale, Bargain Hunters, Recycle, Community Salvage, Furniture Refinishing, Dumpster Diving, Thrift Shoppers, Freecycle, Free-Cycle, Free Cycle, Bargain Hunters, Simplicity, Frugal Living, Art, Woodworking , Furniture Refinishing , Metal Arts, Sex, Fine Art, Digital Art, Art Collecting, Modern Art, Art Prints, Abstract Art, Contemporary Art, goodwill furniture refinishing, spray paint texture, Dingenen, Pax, Picasso, Jackson Pollack, Long and Foster, Cubism, Expressionism


Creative Commons License

ThriftStoreRemixDotCom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

Based on a work at thriftstoreremix.wordpress.com.

2 thoughts on “Happy New Year 2010 :::: Thrift Store Remix by Derrick Douglass

  1. Do you want to know what I’m planning to do with my website in the future?

    Derrick :::: ChiefRemixologist

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